Sunday, June 2, 2013

Manipura- Third Chakra lesson plan

I demonstrated this lesson to two classes of high school students in the Bay Area. They responded excellently. I had to be very brief 35-40 minutes including drawing time. This lesson can be expanded and used as a brainstorming session for a larger project. It can also work as a part of other lessons using the other chakras.

Manipura, 3rd Chakra Lesson plan 
·           Objectives of the class. Students will be able to:
o   Understand what their third chakra is according to the Hindu philosophy
o   Demonstrate exercises that represent the chakra
o   Learn about artists working with memory, and body energy
o   Create a drawing based on their experience of the class (Draw body pose, laughter memory or image describing energy in the body)
·           Content standards (VPA California)
o   5.2 Create a work of art that communicates a cross-cultural or universal theme taken from literature or history.
o   2.5 Use innovative visual metaphors in creating works of art.
·         I have found that a great way to get inspiration for art-making comes from getting to know yourself and who you are.
·         Today we are going to make some art, do body exercises, meditate and focus on one area of our bodies. As we go through this you want to pull and images that come to mind to use for you artwork later in the class.

Introduction meditation
·         Relax. Close your eyes (optional). Focus on your breath filling your lungs and bringing you warm or refreshing energy.
·         Imagine breathing in the energy from sky and letting it run through your body. (Alternate with pulling from the earth)
*Pass out flyers with images    

Energy and the Manipura
 The idea of energy flowing through your body has been around for a long time. Many cultures understand this and represented it in several ways. In Chinese medicine, it is known as Qi. It has been used to heal using Qigong and acupuncture. In my own culture a Curandera, is responsible for rubbing illnesses out of people through massage.
·         The chakra system originated from India around 1500-500 BC. It represented the complex paths and intersections that the body’s energy traveled through.
·         Chakra means wheel, so if you can think of these as places where energy gathers and swirls moving throughout your body. Each chakra is a place where energy gathers to perform its role.
·         Today we will work on the 3rd chakra. It is the yellow one (refer to handout).
o   The Manipura is commonly known as the Solar plexus. Like the sun its color is yellow. It deals with issues of willpower, ambition and action and is weakened by all forms of shame, embarrassment and self-consciousness. Physically, it supports your liver, pancreas, gallbladder, stomach and spleen.
·        How can you tell if you need to work on your chakra: Inbalance/ Balance:
o   Do you see yourself as powerless or too powerful OR Peaceful strength that is not too dominant or submissive
o   Do you have lots of different ways of shaming yourself OR are you Confient even if you make mistakes
o   Do you see the future as full of danger OR do you see future full of life, hope and that your dreams can come true
o   Do you are generally highly stressed and often comment to others how stressed and busy you are as a badge of honor. Or do you work towards growth and are future focused.
 Ask students: Does anyone relate to these and want to share? 

3rd Chakra Exercises
·           We are going to do another meditation and some exercises to have you feel your third chakra. These you can do with eyes open
o   Breath into your body as we did for the first meditation. Breath into your stomach letting it expand but still stay relaxed. Deep breath into stomach letting that whole area expand, back sides and front
o   Imagine you just had a delicious meal and your stomach is satisfied and full. Put your hands on your belly and rub your full stomach. Rub it really well with both hands.
o   Now I want you to think of your family, think of a funny memory. When was the last time you laughed so hard juice came out of your nose, or that time your friend farted in class or whatever you can think of. *This may not get responses from strangers, only try with a more familiar group.
o   Laugh out loud in any silly way you can think of. How does Santa laugh or Minnie Mouse.
Washing machine: Have students stand up, reach up up and out with their arms like a star. Have them swing their arms side to side twisting their belly area.
·                                             Power pose, sitting or standing, what pose makes you feel powerful (not dominating).   Imagine  that you are the principal or CEO of your company. (Demonstrate some poses where you are expanded)
  Alex Grey
·           Before we start our drawing activity I want you to flip to the back of the hand out and take a look at the art of Alex Grey.
·           He makes art that connects people to their energy and the natural energies around them. His work is very large scale and often life size.
·            He studied anatomy and actually dissected cadavers at Harvard Medical Center to gain a deep understanding of the body.
·          In the first piece Painting, it shows how an artist gains inspiration through a higher spiritual connection. He also created and experiences art with his senses and his heart. As a result the artwork this is hidden is radiant with its own energy.
·         In the other painting Theologue shows how the chakras are aligned during meditation.


Tell students:
Under the artwork you can see some samples of art that can help balance the 3rd Chakra.
The first uses yellow, the fiery warmth represents the energy of the chakra. The woman is also standing in a clam but strong pose.
The second can be interpreted to describe the sensations of energy in the body.
The third has a large sun and positive encouraging messages.
The last one has positive words as well and images of what the artist enjoys doing.

You can use all these as ideas to create drawing to balance your third chakra. It can be a drawing of what brings you joy, what makes you feel confident, it can be abstract and you can even write on the drawing.

Have them begin their drawings. they can share with a partner and then have some share with the class. 
----let me know if you want copies of the handouts, or if you have any questions. Thanks!

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